Friday, January 28, 2011

The Specifics of Meet Preparation

Meet preparation has been done countless different ways. I'm sure everyone reading this article has their own ideas about which way is better, and has their own opinion as to why. This is completely we all know; everyone reacts to training differently physiologically and psychologically. Of course, there are better ways to prepare depending on which strength sport we are talking about. You would not prepare in the same manner for a weightlifting meet as you would for a strongman meet. These are two completely different sports when it comes to their physiological profiles. So, you see where the dilemma begins?

I had a GREAT idea the other day and I want to see it through. I would like to write a book on the specifics of meet preparation for all of the strength sports. This would be a great resource for a beginner to a seasoned veteran, covering all aspects of competition. I would make it as detailed as possible, making sure I do all my homework for each sport. What do you all think? Any advice you could give me? Anything specific you would like to see in the book?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beyond the TRACK: Athlete Spotlight - Amanda Kaverman

This is the inaugural edition of my "Athlete Spotlight", in which I will interview athletes that I have trained, trained with, or have just come across in my career.

I have interviewed Amanda Kaverman, a senior sprinter from the University of Toledo, for the first of the series. Her accomplishments can be seen in detail HERE. I have had the pleasure to train with Amanda and she is easily one of the most determined athletes I have ever seen train. When given advice on training technique, she pays close attention and puts her pride aside to better herself, as should any athlete of her level. Her hard work in training has definitely shown on the track. ENJOY!

DB: What are your biggest achievements to date?
AK: Some of my biggest achievements to date are earning a full scholarship for college after walking onto the UT track team and being the MAC conference champion indoor and outdoor in the 200m dash. Also, having school records in the 100m and 300m top my list as well as having one of the Top 50 200m indoor times in the country. Making regionals is also an accomplishment I am proud of.

DB: Favorite event?
AK: My favorite event is the 300m dash even though it is not a conference event. My favorite conference event would have to be the 200m dash because it's not as long as the 400m but not as short as the 100m. You may think, "Duh, that is logical since it is in-between" but to me it's the simplest way I can explain it. Since it is not as long as 400m, I do not have time to think and sometimes over-think which parts of my body are becoming sore or tired. Being longer than 200m helps me because I am mainly a strength runner, my strength helps me pull past other girls who may get tired around 150m or so. This quality also helps me run the curves efficiently, which are my favorite part of the track.

DB: Favorite activity outside of track?
AK: Outside of track I love to weight-lift. If I am in a terrible or great mood, I usually find myself wanting to head to the gym and throw some weights around. Non-athletic wise I love to paint, draw or read. During the summer I'll read upwards of 20 books or so. My life is so exciting haha.

DB: Favorite lift in the gym?
AK: My favorite lift shifts between squats and deadlifts. At the moment deadlifts are my pick because I'm correcting my form. There is also something satisfying about dropping the weight after succesfully lifting it that squats don't't have.

DB: Most inspiring moment in your athletic career?
AK: Hmmm that's a tough one. Winning my first MAC title would have to be it. I remember being so nervous that whole weekend, even after running in the final race. People told me I won and I just could not believe it. I felt uneasy, shy even standing on the podium getting my medal. Afterward, I went up to the stands where my mom was sitting, I gave her a hug and just began crying. It proved to me that my hard work pays off, that moment let me know I could contend with some of the best in college athletics and left me hungry for more.

What do you do to get psyched up for a meet?
AK: I get extremely nervous before my events so I listen to techno or reggaeton music to displace my nervous energy by distracting myself with singing, sometimes dancing, during my warm-up laps. I listen to the same play list every time I do warm-up drills because it helps focus my energy and gets me excited to run.

DB: Your greatest strength (in running AND training)?
AK: My greatest strength in running would be my ability to not slow down as much as other people on the curves, if at all. Training, deadlifts would be number one.

DB: Your greatest weakness (in running AND training)?
AK: My greatest weakness, which I am overcoming, is that my head will sometimes get in the way. It's not that I can't do what I am attempting but that I'll get bored and put more focus on what is 'tired or sore' and not want to complete what I am doing. This was my old method, it's not fun and won't get you anywhere.

DB: What is the next step in your athletic career?
AK: This is my last year of competing collegiately. I would love to keep training after I graduate and compete at a few meets and just see what I can do. I'm already in pretty good shape so why let it go to waste? Also, people are implanting the idea of Olympic lifting so I may give that a try too.

There you have it! Amanda has quite an inspiring story and many accomplishments to prove she has worked hard over the years. I have no doubt she will continue to work just as hard after she has completed her collegiate athletic career.

Stay tuned for my next edition of Athlete Spotlight! Train hard, train smart!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Programming Via Energy Systems

There are many ways to develop a program. The main thing is to be as specific as possible in your training to achieve the goals you have set. Namely, if your goals involve developing "explosiveness" (power), you will be working on being able to create a larger force, submit force in a shorter amount of time (increased rate of force development), or both. So, you have many things to think about!

For this area of program development, focusing on which energy system is the most dominant, you must think about how long the movements last in the sport. This will tell you what type of training and energy systems must be utilized to elicit the best results. Also, within the sport, examine the different positions as well. For example, a quarterback needs to train a little differently than a lineman or a defensive back. I'm sure you all knew that though ;)

There are three main energy systems that the human body relies on to restore energy for subsequent movement. I will briefly go over them, as I'm not an expert in Bioenergetics and all the mechanisms that go into each. One of the key things that I can tell you is that the body is always using a certain mixture of all three; never only one. The quicker and more intense the movement, the less oxygen needed and the more ATP/CP or glycogen needed. The deciding factors of what percent of each system will be utilized is what level of intensity and duration of time the training movement requires.You must also be aware that the rest between repeated bouts of activity within each of these systems is different. More elaboration on this follows....

1) ATP/CP System (Phosphagen System)  

This system is the first that comes into play. This system is required for shorter bursts of movement, so all the power type movements utilize this system the most. This system is dominant for powerful movements that last up to around 20 seconds. The percentage of maximum power used is 90-100%. Complete rest for these movements will fall between 1:12 to 1:20 (work to rest). An example of this would be a Snatch performed by a weightlifter (I know, I'm a little biased with my example!). This movement starts and ends in less than a second!

Think Kendrick Farris needs oxygen for a heavy clean? Think again!

2) Glycolytic System

This is the next system that comes into play. Intermediate length movements use this system the most. This system becomes more dominant if the movement continues beyond 20 seconds and lasts up to around 2-3 minutes. The percentage of maximum power used is about 35-90%, again, depending on the duration of the movement. Complete rest for these types of movements is 1:3 to 1:5. An example of this would be a 200m because an average time for this distance would be around 20 seconds, give or take a few seconds (depending on the level of the athlete).

Usain Bolt uses his glycolytic system fairly well; Wouldn't you agree?

3) Oxidative System

This is the last system used for activity. The movements that require this system the most are those movements that are very long in duration and very low intensity. More specifically, these movements last longer than 3 minutes and only require <35% of the maximal power that can be produced. Complete rest for these movements would be 1:1 to 1:3. An easy example of this would be a marathon runner. This activity lasts much longer than 3 minutes, so it is apparent that the primary energy system used would be the oxidative system.

Keep running! Only a few hours left!


While the science is indisputable, the practicality of training for these systems is a different story. If there is one thing I've learned in the first few years of my coaching career, it is that time is money and sometimes these systems cannot be trained 100% as they should be. Many times you may have to cut rest periods shorter for power-type activities that need longer rest periods because the kids you are training have to leave at a certain time, or their parents may just be impatient. Whatever the case, try to stick close to the work/rest ratios outlined above for the best results.

Wrap Up

There you have it! A few more kernels of knowledge to store in the "Training Methods Tool Box". I'd hope that, with this new information, you will all think differently about how you approach the development of your next training cycle. Train hard, train smart!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Be Practical!

Today's topic: Practicality. The following is simply my take on the topic at hand. Let the rant begin!

In our world, we have mainly two routes to go when we have to make a decision. We can go the practical route, meaning what makes sense in that specific situation, at that very moment in time. If the same thing happened again, but slightly different, you might make a different decision based on the slight difference. Then we have the second option, book knowledge or "book smarts". This would be using the same decision making skills in all similar situations, without adapting to the specifics of these situations.

You might think I'm just rambling about nonsense, but there are people in this world that are solely one or the other. There is no meshing of the two; no blending together of options in how to react to the situation. Some people react to situations based on what they have read from a book without looking at the little things that have caused, or come from, this specific situation. They believe the problem can be solved so easily, not having the practical knowledge to examine all of the external and internal factors to the problem. Thinking "outside the box" does not come from a book! The knowledge, skills, and abilities that come from a book can only get you so far. They are a stepping stone to an ultimate way to solve problems, where one uses that book knowledge with his practical knowledge and skills.

Alternatively, one cannot purely rely on practical knowledge either. There should be some base knowledge from those books. If for nothing else, than to just be learned for later application to their already stellar practical knowledge!

Alright, my rant is over! Basically, use your common sense! I know many smart people who have absolutely no clue how to live in the "real" world. Next time you have to react to a situation, think about how you handle it and what type of person you are in this regard.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Training 12/21/10 - 1/9/11

Sorry for the delay in my training log updates.


Snatch - 50x3, 60x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1/2, 82.5x5x1
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 85x2, 92.5x1, 97.5x5x1
CG RDL - 120x6, straps-->140x3x5
Press - 50x4, 64x5, 72x3, 80xmiss,miss


Snatch - 50x2x2, 60x1/2, 72.5x0/2, 77.5x1/2, 82.5xmiss,1,1,1
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 85x2, 92.5x1, 97.5x1, 102.5x4x1
Squat - 92.5x2, 107.5x2, 122.5x2, 130x3x2
Ring Shoulder Flexion - 3x12x3s holds

12/23 (@ Gorilla Pit) - Used wrongly marked bumpers...went heavier than originally thought for snatch before realizing bumpers were marked wrong

Snatch - 110#x3, 175x1/2, 195x0/2, 175x1/2, 135x1/2, 155x2
C&J - 135x2, 155x2, 185x2, 195x1, 210x1 -->cleans only 210x4x1
T-bar Row - 45#x lost count, 90#x3x8


Snatch - 50x2x2, 61x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1, 82x1, 88.5x1,miss,1,1, 61x2x2
C&J - 61x2x2, 72.5x2, 84x2, 91x1, 97.5x1, 102.3 (225#) x 5x1
Squat - 135#x5, 225x2, 245x2, 265x2, 285x3x2
RDL - 60x6, 125x3x3


Snatch - 50x2x2, 61x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1, 82xmiss,1, 88x1, 93xmiss, 1, 60x2
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 84x2, 93x1, 97.5x1, 102.3x1, 111x1, 116x1, 123xmissJ, missC  (Tied PR clean)
Squat - 135#x5, 205x2, 240x2, 275x2, 285x2, 300x2x2


Snatch - 50x2, 60x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1, 82x5x1
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 84x2, 91x1, 97.5x5x1
WG Pull-ups - 3x10


Snatch - 50x3, 60x2, 72.5x0/2, 77.5x1, 82.5x1, 86x1, 91x1, 97.5xmiss,miss, 102x2 <--Pulls
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 84x2, 91x1, 97.5x1, 102x1, 111x1<--no jerk
Squat - 61x4, 84x2, 107x2, 120x2, 130x2, belt-->137x2x2

Compound Set:
BB walking lunges - 61x5,5+3 R only, 5+3 R only
Good Morning - 61x3x5
BB Row - 61x3x8

12/31 (@ Titan's)

Hang PS - 95#x3, 135x4x2
PC&J - 135#x3, 185x2x2, 195x2x2
DL - 225#x3, 275x2, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, belt-->425x1
Press - 95#x5, 135x3, 155x2, 165x2, 175x1, 180x1<--PR, 1
WG Pull-ups - Bwt x 8, 25#x8,6,6,6
Ab Wheel RO - 3x12


Snatch - 50x2x2, 60x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1, 82.5x1,1,miss,1
C&J - 70x2x2, 85x2, 92.5x1, 97.5x1, 102.5x4x1
Squat - 92.5x2, 107.5x2, 122.5x2, 130x3x2
Ring Pull-ups - 10, 3x8


Snatch - 50x3, 1/2, 60x2, 72.5x2, 77.5x1, 82.5x5x1, 60x1/2
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 85x2, 92.5x1, 97.5x5x1
RDL - 90x6, straps-->120x6,6,5
Ab Circuit


Conditioning Circuit (3 sets)
A - Prowler 2 + 90# Push (L) x 20yds
B - Push-ups x 10
C - Sprint x 20yds
D - Prowler Rope Pull x 20yds

KB Windshield Wipers - 12kgx2x lost count
Flx Add - Gray band x 10 ea. way


Snatch - 50x2x2, 60x2, 72.5x5x2, 77.5x1, 82.5x1, 87.5x4x1
C&J - 60x2, 72.5x2, 85x2, 92.5x1, 97.5x1, 102.5x4x1
Squat - 92.5x2, 107.5x2, 122.5x2, 130x3x2
Ab Wheel RO - 3x15

1/8 - Columbus w/ Mark Cannella

Snatch - 50x5x3, 60x2, 4, 70x2, 80x1, 85x1, 70x1, 90x1, 95x1, 100xmiss,miss <--L elbow
C&J - 70x2, 80x2, 90x2, 100x2, 110x1, 115x2x1

A bunch of technique work after this! 

1/9 - Active Recovery Day

Squat - 60x2x3, 135#x3, 225x2x2, 245x2
SL Reverse Hypers - 90x3x10 (R only), Lx10
Flx Add. - Gray band x 2 x12
Rack Pulls w/ orange band - 135#x3, 225x2x3

A Trip for Improved Motor Patterns

It's January 8th and I'm driving down I-75, on my way to Columbus. Disturbed's new CD, Asylum, is blasting and the only thing on my mind if lifting. Got the picture? Are you following me? Excellent! Why, you ask, am I on my way to Columbus? I am headed down to train with Ohio's great weightlifting coach, Mark Cannella. He invited me down to train with him, so I took him up on the offer. After all, I'm at the point in my lifting "career" when I need to improve on all the little things to keep my weights going in the right direction. I'm not too proud to admit when I need to change some things and I'm glad that I made the trip because there's a lot to change!

As soon as we started I could tell that I was in for a marathon session of technique work, which was fine by me. It wasn't long before I had already snatched 50kg for five triples. This day just happened to be the last day of my Pendragon 5-week cycle. I was supposed to go heavy, but wasn't feeling the zing a day like that calls for. Especially after doing many sets of triples and technique work with the bar or just my body. Mark had me performing a slap and drop type technique to work on my timing. I'm not sure what it's actually called, but I like to call it the "pop-pop" technique. This refers to the sound of the bar brushing, followed by the feet landing. I worked this many times throughout the session.

The main thing I needed fixing was my timing (The bar crashes on me too hard) and my leg drive (I don't drive through the floor with my legs long or hard enough). We used the pop-pop technique to help with my timing. Another thing that helped me was visualizing catching the bar and riding it into the hole. I had always thought that you were supposed to catch it in the bottom for each lift (for cleans, I thought you just time it to use the stretch-reflex of the quads to bounce out of the hole). Chalk this thinking up to years of misinformation. This is surprising considering the fact that I breathe weightlifting every day and didn't learn this earlier. Of course, this is one of the reasons I love this sport so learn new things all the time!

                  Timing is Everything

As for the need to fix my leg drive, I had been (and probably will continue until I re-groove my motor patterns) using my hips too much. According to Mark, there is a point where the hips have to stop coming forward and the legs continue the drive vertically. If you can visualize this, it makes a great deal of sense. If the hips come forward too much, the bar path becomes obstructed and a loop is created. As we all know, this is NOT a good thing. This can cause many lifts missed behind the lifter (exactly what I always used to do). While in the power position, I have learned that I need to drive through the floor with my feet as long as possible, keeping contact with the floor as long as possible.

 Think Fred had decent leg drive?

Mark also told me that there is a point in which the bar is traveling upward, while the lifter is going downward. He calls this "unweighting" of the bar, which I was NOT doing. As the session went on, I was starting to get the feel for this. This is a part of the timing issue I've had. Motor patterns are hard to change once they have been continually grooved into someone's movement. This is one of the reasons it is better to start learning sport skills at a young age, when the motor patterns are more able to be molded. Trying to change motor patterns after repeating the same movements year after year at an older age, not so easy. And, unfortunately in real life, there is no easy button (Thanks for nothing, Staples!).

I will continue to work on fixing these flaws to improve in the lifts. If you, or anyone you know, is having issues with their technique, I recommend having Mark evaluate you. He is a genius in the lifts! As frustrating as the session was (I've been training for 3.5 years and I felt like it was my first day), I was glad I made the trip down. Many thanks go to Mark for his help and patience with my faulty motor patterns!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My 2011 Goals

Since I just posted a blog on how to set goals, I wanted to share my goals. And HERE....WE....GO!

Current known Numbers:

Snatch - 100kg
C&J - 121kg (123kg clean)
Squat - 152.5kg
Press - 82kg
Deadlift - 205kg (best of 215kg)
Bodyweight - @ 77kg
Master's Project - Data collection almost complete

Goals Date to Accomplish 
105kg Snatch 4/1/2011
125kg C&J 4/1/2011
227.5kg Deadlift 4/1/2011
87kg Press 4/1/2011
162kg Squat 4/1/2011
78kg Bodyweight 4/1/2011
Master's Project - Completed 4/1/2011

110kg Snatch 8/15/2011
132kg C&J 8/15/2011
235kg Deadlift 8/15/2011
90kg Press 8/15/2011
170kg Squat 8/15/2011
80kg Bodyweight 8/15/2011
Master's Program - Completed 8/15/2011

112kg Snatch 12/31/2011
135kg C&J 12/31/2011
240kg Deadlift 12/31/2011
93kg Press 12/31/2011
175kg Squat 12/31/2011
82kg Bodyweight 12/31/2011
Master's study published in JSCR 12/31/2011

Now that I've shared mine, what are some of your goals? Please share!

What's Your Goal?

As we all say hello to a new year, we should each take a time-out and think about where we are going within the next year. This could be with our training (as it should be), our career, our family life, etc. We should be thinking of all aspects of our life and what steps need to be taken to reach our goals. Wait, what's that?! You haven't set your goals yet?! Why not??

I'm sure you have all heard of S.M.A.R.T. before, right? If not, it pertains to goal setting and stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time oriented. You might be asking yourself, "what does this all mean". Don't worry, I'm going to tell you!


Just as it should be...goals need to be very specific. Saying "I want to lose weight" is not specific. A better way of stating the same goal, but making it specific, is saying "I want to lose five pounds". Answering who, what, where, when, and how can help make goals more specific. Now we're getting somewhere, but we're not quite done.


This serves as a way to realize if a goal has been achieved. Many times the 'measurable' part of a goal might be a number such as reaching a certain body fat percentage. For most of you reading this, it may likely be the number of training session per day/week/month or hitting a certain weight in your favorite (or worst) lift.


We all want to accomplish our goals. Therefore, we would not want to sabotage ourselves by thinking negatively. Focusing on the activities that will produce the goals desired will lead you in the right direction. If you wanted to lose body fat, you would not eat at McDonald's, right? Set sentences for each goal that will lead you down the right path. Also, start each sentence with words that are positive. For example, "I will condition three days per week for twenty minutes". This statement includes a positive start (I will), includes an activity (conditioning), and is specific for frequency (3 days per week) and duration (20 minutes).


This relates to the possibility of achieving the goals you set. If you want to add 100 pounds to your squat in a month, this isn't really a realistic goal. Goals have to be challenging, but not so challenging that there is no possible way to achieve them. Sure, you should always be optimistic, but you should also be a realist. Hard work and determination can only go so far before you start regressing, so don't push it. Plan your training and deloads accordingly and watch yourself progress better than ever.

Time Oriented

This allows a certain time point to be established in which the goal should be accomplished. Goals that are too easy to accomplish may be reached too soon, which often leads to a loss of motivation. Goals that are too challenging, and are not accomplished in the set time frame, often lead to a loss of interest. This leads to the person feeling like a failure and ultimately giving up on the goal.


Let's say you have a friend who is a very knowledgeable strength coach or personal trainer. You're going to use their expertise to help you reach your goals, right? Use the resources you have available to you to reach all of your goals! If your friends have similar goals, make it a competition for added motivation. You can also work with each other to reach your goals. Believe me, it's always easier to reach goals if you have someone helping you along the way. It's as simple as that! This is one of those things that seems simple, but is often overlooked.

Wrap Up

There you have it! All the tools you need to start walking the path to a better you! Follow these simple guidelines to set your goals and you'll be there in no time. Good luck in your endeavors! Train hard, train smart!